Children’s Centres Phase 3 Roll out in Reading

Tilehurst Globe – Feb 2008


At the start of November 07 all Local Authorities have been asked to develop a third phase of Children’s Centres (CC’s). This third phase of CC’s targets has been estimated on Child benefit data, as per phase 2, based on serving around 800 children under 5. However 3rd phase guidance gives scope to service smaller areas of 600 or larger (more affluent areas) of 1200.


The government target for Reading is to establish 4 centres to meet the needs of 2896 children under 5. Looking at the gaps in current provision in Reading to establish these 3rd Phase programmes the focus should be on:


Area of Reading

# Children

# Centres

North Reading area – outside of Caversham Ward


1 or 2

Tilehurst area



Redlands/ Park Ward Area – East Reading







All these areas do not have any areas of deprivation, which affects the government’s expectations on the model of delivery for the programme – these are called 70% programmes.


70% Children’s Centres programme offer:

Developed from existing maintained, private, voluntary or community provision with additional services being added to meet identified local needs.

Provide a minimum range of services including:

·        support and outreach services to parents/carers and children

·        information and advice to parents/carers

·        drop-in sessions for children and parent/carers

·        links to Jobcentre Plus services,

·        access to antenatal care and support,

·        provide access to the Child Health Promotion Programme


Planning Third Phase Programmes

Guidance and experience of establishing programmes to date suggests that 2 steps should be followed:

1.     Establish a steering group/ advisory board with key local partners

2.     Consult with local children and their families and complete a audit of statistical need and services available


Therefore in Tilehurst our ambition would be to accommodate this programme on the Park Lane development. We would expect the leadership of the programme to be through Blargrave Nursery School, although it is critical to ensure that there is a good link to Park Lane Primary School. This needs further exploration and clarity.
Proposed Action to be achieved by March 2009:

·          Organise wider Stakeholder meeting to build local consensus to move forward with the programme.

·          Organise an audit of current services available in the area

·          Organise a consultation with local families to discuss needs and potential service delivery options.

·          Write a service plan that outlines the services to be delivered to reach designation as a 3rd Phase Children’s Centre by 2010.


For more information visit:


Or read government guidance, found at:



Andy Fitton

0118 939 0900 ext 4688